Monday 10 September 2012

Pivoting in motion

We live in demanding and ever changing professional environments, the skill of maintaining momentum while continuously adapting is vital for personal and organizational growth. It can be compared with trying to aim at a moving target. You need to familiarize yourself with your setting, anticipate the targets movements while making frequent adjustments, for example repositioning yourself, until you see an opening and then take it without hesitation.

In my view momentum is critical for success.  Indecisiveness and stringent planning formed on flawed premises are two of the biggest oppositions for innovation and growth. Continuous pivoting around your current strategy, while already in motion to reach it, allows you to sustain/increase momentum by incrementally forming a more mature strategy with real-time feedback on decisions and their effects.

This requires:
  • The ability to think on your feet and make informed decisions without hesitation
  • The ability to acknowledge mistakes and adapt accordingly (a quick learner)
  • Dynamic and persistent attitude to life and work
  • A fresh and out-of-the-box mindset when approaching problems and opportunities (E.g. Lateral thinking)

Important consideration: These adjustments are not the result of an inability to make the right decisions (Backwards and forwards searching for success) but rather a journey that requires a sequence of good choices to increase your chances at success.

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